Possible to replace image or style?

I have an animation with some timed actions to move an image along a path, half way I want to change the image but it seems this is not possible? The actions are limited to a few transforms and styles. I also tried moving a div with a background image sprite, and then half way to change the background position but there is no option for this.

Will this be possible in the future? or is there another way I am missing?

I hope background-position will be added as a Timed Action, this simple addition which would be very similar in usage as the action to change background color, except that you would enter the new background position value.

This would make so many more interesting animations possible.

You’re crafting a complex animation, so think about a more complex structure.

Instead of animation an image or a div w/ bg image along a path, animate a div and inside the div, place as many elements as you need. Set them visible, invisible, when they should. So instead of changing an image, you’ll set the visible invisible and one of the invisible visible.

And in any case, a more complex structure will end up in an interaction/structure that’s easier to maintain because it’s broken down into sub elements.

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