Possible to change the color of a link inside of a CMS rich text field?

When I try to change the text link color inside of a CMS Dynamic Rich Text field I don’t see the “All Links” class. Can the color be changed via custom code?


Website: www.hungryfan.com

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I don’t know if it’s going to solve it, but in order to style the elements inside a RTF, you need to do it outside of a dynamic thing. Drag one anywhere, style your sub classes and elements, style the links as all links under the class you’ll give the RTF, and it should work.

edit: tried it, it works:


hmm so what happens if they already had Rich Text before I started on the project. Would that mean that i would have to remove what is already there and insert a RichText box again and have it call from the CMS all over again?

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