Position "sticky" does not work with luxy.js

@tommyboy82 @avivtech @bashar @Aleksey @WooodSI Hi All. I can’t show that project because my account is not paid and access is denied. But I can show you my landing page that works and please don’t copy the design and use the code only as part of the training :slight_smile:
https://georgestudio.ru/ (or https://webstudio21.webflow.io/) this is my lending in which I use locomotive scroll + GSAP to create smooth scrolling. The locomotive library has a lot of features, including sticky elements. I’m showing this project which will serve as a starter. In addition, there are already videos on YouTube showing how to connect locomotive js. It’s done exactly the same way in webflow. There are classes, there are attributes, etc.


You’ll probably be a little confused, but you’ll figure it out. The most important thing is the attributes. Don’t forget to set them. As for the sticky element, but you’d better go to GreenSock and search the forum. I asked a question, got an answer and learned this library and now I can do wonders. You should be able to do the same.
By the way, here is my post on GSAP where a wonderful person helped me with code implementation. ScrollTrigger sidebar pinned overlaid sections - GSAP - GreenSock

Good luck to you! With love from Russia.

P.S. If you happen to need a webflow developer I will be glad to work with you :slight_smile: