Popup Modal Doesn't Stay Closed

Hi Webflow Community,

I have a pop up modal which I’d like to close either by clicking the exit button or anywhere on the background. I have tried setting those 2 interactions when I tried it the modal wouldn’t stay closed.
Would really appreciate it if someone can let me know what I’m doing wrong. Thank you!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

@Emilie_Ho Hey where is the popup can you share me screen short of popup

Hey @Emilie_Ho!

Like @Moheen said it would be helpful to know where the pop up is so we can take a look! Also you can check out the various pop up modals I made here :point_right: Flow Phantom cloneables . You can take a peek at the interactions to see how I created my modals.

@Moheen @Andrew_Bass Hi, here’s a video of the modal https://www.loom.com/share/4c345eb2a6b24763b0f2972b3bed0edf

The whole modal is built within the “Nav Bar Modal” div here.

Project link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/make-the-dot?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=make-the-dot&preview=775815bb822ccf5c285224a765b3b096&workflow=preview

Hi @Andrew_Bass, I opened your interaction section on your examples and tried replicating them, but the popup still wouldn’t close. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

@Emilie_Ho ~ Hello Emilie. Try giving your “Close Modal Bg” class the same trigger you did for the “x icon” element.

Hey @dannyFig thanks for your response! I have applied the same “close modal” interaction to the “close modal bg” div here in the project: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/make-the-dot?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=make-the-dot&preview=775815bb822ccf5c285224a765b3b096&workflow=preview
At the moment when I click on the background, it closes but the modal would keep popping back up.

@Emilie_Ho I believe I found the issue and it’s a super easy fix!

It looks like you have the “loop” checked on the “Open Modal” interaction. Once I unchecked that everything seemed to be working fine! In the picture below I circled where you have it checked.


Thank you so much @Andrew_Bass! It took me hours and I still couldn’t see that issue. You’re awesome :star:

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Of course! Happy to help :grin:.

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