PDF thumb generation possible?

I am looking to redesign a site and wondering if PDF Thumb generation and custom search is possible in Webflow? I am trying to move over the site Modular Homes - Plattsburgh Housing Outlet which was built in the Craft CMS.

You can see under Floorplans that the PDF thumb is generated from the uploaded PDF. Any way to do this with Webflow? https://www.plattsburghhousing.com/homes/mw419a

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Anyone know if a PDF thumb can be generated?

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Hello @bgarrant

From what I’m seeing they just have a link who links to a PDF. Yes, you can upload files and let people open the files in another tab.

Yes, Webflow has custom search, but you need to check form more info here > Site search | Webflow University

Hope this helps

Piter :webflow_heart:

I am sure we can upload the PDFs, but is there a way to auto-generate the PDF thumbnail image itself? See this page and the PDF Thumbnail under floorplans https://www.plattsburghhousing.com/homes/mw419a. It looks like thisL https://cl.ly/db701c74ec59. It is like a cover image of the first page of the PDF itself.

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Ouu now I understand. I think that there’s no native way, but maybe some custom code will do the job.