PayPal / Stripe Checkout significantly slowes Pagespeed

do any of you also have the same Problem? when i activate my Checkout via Stripe and Paypal my Pagespeed just drops and those are slowing my Page down hard!
is there any way to fix this problem? here is my read-only: Webflow - Gleitzeit Tandemfliegen

also, does anyone know how to reduce “initial server response time” seems also poor here.

i was thinking of going via a 3rd party program just because of this and downgrade to a non-ecommerce plan…

Thanks for your help!

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Did you find a solution?

I just set up Stripe and Paypal and even surprised, while my Google score was correct just before!

Load Stripe and Paypal on a product page, I don’t understand!

Thanks to you,
Good evening!

Webflow still doesn’t have a solution for the performance issues caused by using ecommerce with Paypal or Stripe. The libraries are still not deferred and there are no settings to help make it more performant. I had a great load score until I enabled eCommerce.

There are ways to integrate these payment options using code, but once you add eCommerce, you can’t seem to get rid of the libraries, so you are stuck with low performance once you enable that feature.