🇫🇷 Paris - Webflow Meeting Proposition

Bonjour Ă  tous,

je suis actuellement sur paris et berlin pour deux ans minimum,
j’apprécie les rencontres et pourquoi pas rencontrer les membres de la communauté webflow ?

Que pensez-vous d’un meeting et session de partage autour de notre logiciel favori ?
Si j’ai suffisamment de retours, j’organiserai cette rencontre

Bonne continuation à tous et continuons d’innover en s’entraidant

  • :grinning: Rencontres en ville + Discord (live humour)
  • :robot: Bonne idĂ©e - Discord pour le fun
  • :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Une communautĂ© ne sert Ă  rien --’

0 voters


Hello everyone, I’m currently in Paris for a minimum of two years, I appreciate the meetings and why not meet the members of the webflow community?

What do you think of a meeting and sharing session around our favorite software?
If I have enough feedback, I will organize this meeting

Good continuation to all and let us continue to innovate by helping each other

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I just started a Webflow Meetup in Paris but I don’t have anyone to help host it. Would you like to host it?


good idea but France is quite big so would be good to also host something in the south and in the north then Paris can be more a one day special event i think

Yes true ! Let’s start with a digital community :slight_smile:
I’m gonna think about big stand up in paris and small event in another cities.

Webflow Discord Europe


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Can I try to do that ? :slight_smile: I’m sure we can, create a community can need a lot of team and strategies :wink:

If you’re available to host a monthly event at a near by office or co-working space, I can help you. DM me if you’re interested. :slight_smile: