Page not working for certain visitors

Some of my website visitors informed me that some sub-pages in my “projects” page (for example Localization Simulation) are inaccessible.

This is what some website visitors see:

Does anyone know what the issue here is? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Applied Ocean Sciences
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Tak,

The errors you’ve shared are Vimeo errors, which means they’re related to your hosting of videos on This isn’t related to Webflow at all.

For what it’s worth, the link you shared is showing the video fine ( I’m in Auckland, New Zealand currently )

If they are consistently getting this problem, than the most likely issue is a firewall at the school or work they are accessing your site from. It’s blocking Vimeo, probably to avoid too much company time invested in cat v. cucumber memes.

They’ll need to talk to their network administrator.

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Understood, thank you for the explanation!