Page not fitting window horizontally

Hello! Would love it if someone could help me fix this bug.

Currently the pages on my website are not fitting the window correctly - they are allowing scroll to happen horizontally as well as vertically. I’m trying to get the page to fit the horizontal axis so horizontal scroll is not an option (I only want people to be able to scroll vertically).

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Here is my site Read-Only:

Hi smef

No, it’s not A bug.

Normally when you design A website you start with the Desktop then move to Tablet and Mobile. You should prepare your design and make some adaptive steps so the design will fit to each media. For that purpose you need to perform some adjustments to the design so the website will respond to the screen size (responsive). good luck :slight_smile:

Thanks shokoaviv!

What sort of adjustments are you referring to?

At the moment I’m just trying to get it to fit the Desktop view (without horizontal scroll) and then I’ll optimise for Mobile and Tablet

I’m just trying to get rid of this white bar to the side of my pages that shows when scrolled horizontally: