Page loading tucked behind sticky navbar

My header shows up behind the navbar on initial load. How do I fix this? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - TwoFish.think)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey @Team_TwoFish, are you talking about the page The observatory?

Can you elaborate? What exactly shows up behind your navbar? Does this happen on a specific breakpoint?

My header shows up behind the navbar on initial load

I’m asking, because I can’t seem to replicate what you’re describing. If possible, please attach a short video or a screenshot. Thanks!

Hi choreus thank you for responding. Yes, I was talking about the page the observatory. The header was loading behind the navbar. However, I had an expanding section above the navbar that was causing a problem, so I just attached the expanding search section to the navbar, and the problem got resolved. Thank you for your help though :smiley:

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