I have a website (dotted red line) that contains a div block (red in image below), which takes up the full horizontal width (but nothing more, I don’t want any white space on the site). In the div block there are some containers (yellow) that each contain one image of variable size (images). The images should all have the same height (variable width) and a gap in between neighboring containers/images. All parts of the images that exceed the website horizontally should be invisible and only come into view when scrolling the page.
I played around a lot with flex box and overflow but somehow my images never overflow the divblock. If I just make the div block bigger, there is white space at the site of the page. How do I set this up correctly?
hi @cwule and welcome please first search this forum or internet before posting request as “horizontal” scroll is very well documented and explained in written or video form.
anyway, the best way to get help is to follow the forum post guide.
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The published link is the webflow.io subdomain where you can view the live site with custom code running. It is IMPORTANT to share this link, as custom code (eg. javaScript) does not run in the Designer.
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