Open one dropdown menu to another without having to close first downdown menu

I’m wondering if there is a way to go from dropdown menu to dropdown menu similar to as it doesn’t require you to close the first one in order to open the next dropdown. Goes smoothly from one menu to the next while the black background remains open.

Is there a way to achieve this or something similar to this rather than having to close a dropdown menu before opening another one?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi, you’re referring to the overlay menu dropdown on click right?

Correct, as in the menu that opens when you click “markets” or “services”.

Yes, you could do this. I will take a fair amount of planning and work, yet it’s possible. Off the top of my head just looking at it, basically the mega menu dropdown is hidden absolute divs that would need an interaction.

@garymichael1313 Can you provide some more detail on how this might be achieved? I put this part of the project off for a couple weeks but I’m now getting around to it :grimacing:

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