One page is shifting slightly to the left while other are not

Can someone help me?

I’ve got this problem where only on the “about” page the whole page suddenly shift left a bit and showing some “scroll”

I used the same container class all over other page but this is not happening.

been checking on this for hours now without any luck,

hopefully, somebody can help me on this

Thanks in advance

Here is my site Read-Only: []

Hmm, not seeing it here in Chrome?

sorry missed the screenshot …

I also used chrome BTW

Can you send over a live link? I’m not seeing the scrollbar when I look at the read only webflow link here.

Ahhh yes, it’s not shown on the designer preview

here’s the live link


Thank you

Finally found it @Fonsume

it’s the additional scripts !

Thank you for your attention BTW,
I really appreciate it


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