One newsfeed showing latest posts from several collections

Hey yall Webflow maniacs! :webflow_heart:

I was longing for the latest release of nested collections to solve my problem, but I didnt seem to find some satysfying one, where I could make a thing without rearranging my cms collections.

I would like to create a newsfeed that would show the latest posts from following categories:

I have collections with several types of posts, which desire for different fields -
Collections “Klbko”, “Clovek milion”, “lego medved”, “Bashy B”, “Pho Chay” and “Ram Bo Chay” are holding poems by various authors/alter egos
Collection “Buddhis svetlo” is for the chapters of the novel
Collection “Pho life” is for the blog
Collection “Phood” is for the foodblog

Do you think there is some fine solution to this?

Here is my read-only link:

Sending my best energy towards you folks. Have a great time :om: :slight_smile: