On-Page Findberry Results Not Displaying Properly

I have Findberry embeded in my website and the search is functioning properly. I’m trying to have the results modal scale with the size of my page. I want the width to be 550px and the max-width to be 90% (so it will display nicely on mobile devices). Right now the results modal will appear and scale to the size of the user window, but it won’t re-scale when I change the size of the window. The biggest issue I’m having is how it displays on mobile. You can hardly see the results.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Well the resizing window problem is that when the size a the browser has been returned by a script, it’s not necessarily updated in real time. Not impossible, just not taken into account in your case. I’d say it’s a non issue as the “resizing” the browser shouldn’t be a use case priority at all.

For the mobile view, I see.


You should adapt the styles to kill the padding on mobile and make the popup full screen. The concept of “modal” doesn’t trasnfer well on mobile obviously.

I’ll give this a go, thanks a lot!

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