On hover modal window to follow image

Hello all

I am looking to have an on hover window with details for this site

you can see what Im trying to achieve here http://autosale501533950526116081141.webflow.io if you hover over the top left car. I want the window with details that appears to be replicated over for the rest of the items but also - to change location accordingly, following the parent image (cose at present Ive only done it so it appears in the centre).

Whats the most sense-making way to do this?

Thanks in advance

Hello @tatiana,

I think you going right way, but if you will get about 10 “modetails…” objects it will need 10 interactions and every time you will have to change it’s position.
I would suggest to put modal element inside the column, which will be hovered. Move it from the top not on 500px but 100%
Then you can have only one interaction but affect only nested element and one class with one style :wink:


UPD: It seems working not so easy as I expected. But I am trying to find solution. Will be back with screen cast :wink:

Here we go https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-7cg8BSq1Z_T0ItdHNiUEpfbFk/view?usp=drivesdk

That worked perfect! Thank you:))

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