No smooth scrolling on specific page


I hope someone can help me with the following problem. When I go to my website page projecten on my mobile phone (Iphone 7) the page won’t scroll like it normally should and focusses on the content, I can’t scroll pass them. When Igo to the projecten the page in webflow and click on the mobile tab it opens up normally and scrolls like it should. I’m really curious how to fix this and I hope you someone can help me.

Best Joep

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK and published site [LINK][2]


Hi @VCOVCFVCA, thanks for the post. One thing I noticed is that on the image 16 class on in the collection list on that page, there is both a mouse hover IX 2 interaction and also a legacy interaction on the same element.

I would remove the IX 2 interaction, or the legacy interaction to start with:

I would probably also suggest to create the interaction using IX2 instead of the legacy interaction on that element.

I would try that first then republish to see if the performance of the scrolling improves.

The Heading 12 class also has a mouse interaction, I would remove that also as there are no actions defined in the interaction:

It looks like the gallery is the last content on the page, and the other content scrolled ok, i.e. was able to see the text, I was not able to visualize this: “the page won’t scroll like it normally should and focusses on the content, I can’t scroll pass them.”

Do you mean to say you are not seeing any text content on the page?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Dave,

Thanks for taking a look and the in depth explanation. Let me explain my previous statement into further detail as I think there might be a bit of a misunderstanding with this sentence: “the page won’t scroll like it normally should and focusses on the content, I can’t scroll pass them.”

With this statement I meant that the experience of scrolling down on the “projecten” page on mobile - portrait is a bit buggy. It is a complete different experience in comparison to other mobile - portrait pages. On the other pages you can swipe down and the screen really flows to the bottom of the page. On our “projecten” page this experience is totally different. If you swipe downwards, the page stops as soon as the movement of your finger stops. Again, on other pages, the swipe will cause the page to flow down in a very smooth manner. This scroll/swipe issue is only visible when testing on mobile (iPhone). If you test it within Webflow on desktop in mobile - portrait mode you won’t recreate the bug.

I’ve removed the interactions like you suggested. However, the scroll issue still exists.

Updated project - interactions removed, bug still exists:

Can you please take another look? Thanks for your time and effort. It is much appreciated. Looking forward to your reply.



Hi Dave,

Do you have some time to look into this?


