Need some help with a Hero Video

Hi everyone,

My friend helped my build a Webflow site for new business, and i’m still very inexperienced with the interface.

I’ve just had an animation made that i want to live in the hero of the website on both Desktop and Mobile. I’ve had the animator format it into two sizes 1920x1080 (desktop) & 1080x1080 (mobile). Those links will take you to the respective videos i’ve uploaded to Vimeo.

I’ve been trying for the last few hours to get this looking right on the site and i just can’t figure it out. I feel like this would take one of you gurus all of five minutes.

I want to remove the current Hero Slider altogether and replace it with this video. And i’d love the video to sit full bleed on both devices, providing you can see the whole frame. Finally i’d like it to autoplay once the site loads.

My live website url is and you’ll find my Read-Only below.

Any help will be very much appreciated. This is the final piece of the buzzle before i launch, it’s been a long time coming :slight_smile:


Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Canvit