Need Opinions, suggestions

Here is how to do it as explained by @DRE in another topic

Using Font Awesome with Webflow.

  1. Download the Font Awesome Icon Set.

  2. Extract the fonts folder to your desktop or chosen destination.

  3. Login to Webflow and click on the site you want to edit

  4. Go to the site settings (the house icon on the top left)

  5. Click the fonts option

  6. Upload the fonts under the “Add Custom Fonts” area and add them.

  7. Go to the Cheatsheet section of the fontawesome website. I do a ctrl+f to find the name of the font faster.

  8. Find the font that you want and make sure to highlight the icon. The right-click and copy the icon.

  9. Go back to webflow.

  10. If you have a div box or text box etc, select it and give it a class under the style option at the top (the paintbrush). Type what you want under “current selector”.

  11. Scroll down to “Typography” and set the font family to the FontAwesome font that you uploaded previously.

  12. Paste your icon into the element (div, textbox, etc).