Need help with horizontal scrolling interaction. Willing to pay for help

Ok 1 sec while I set up the recorder

My gif recorder is bugging so I am just gonna do it with pictures

Thanks Ryan, i am in a meeting for 30-45 minutes in a few minures that you know that!

So click on your interactions

Then Delete anything in there already and make sure “Gallery Track” is selected

Then Add your 0% keyframe and make the “Move” 0vw

And then Change the 100% keyframe to 80% and make the “Move” -200vw or however long it needs to be to scroll all the way. Becuase you have it at 630VW you might need to make the gallery height talller

I just noticed that in that second photo I have “Gallery Scroll Track” selected but the way it works is when “Gallery Track” is selected

Did i do the right thing? just updated the designer!

Uh now the whole scroll interaction is broken. I can’t get it to scroll. There’s really no way to do this without being logged in to your account. I promise. You have to be in the actual account, not on read-only for this one. It’s just not going to take. :blush:

No you have to give the Gallery Scroll Track the element while scrolling property not the page scrolling property and do those steps

Whats your webflow email? i send you the template!

send it to

Ok I got it!

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Damn, am i so bad???


The pictures are streched now, can you make them 100%?



I don’t think I changed any of your set properties for the images but when I send it back to you feel free to play around with the sizing of them it shouldn’t hurt it at all

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Send it with a bill of $100 dollar to Ryan, you earned it!
Many many thanks!


Do you want to just paypal me?

also what email is this going to?

Thank you so much man I really appreciate it and I’m glad I could help!

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Ryan, your awesome!

The final results:


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