Need help with design issue


I am creating a landing page which looks good in Webflow designer: Screenshot by Lightshot

But once published the last section (colored in gold) is overlapping the previous one: Screenshot by Lightshot

It’s the first time that I’m getting this kind of issue with Webflow, do you have any idea where it is coming from?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Try to make the golden section relative. I tried and it worked…in the designer!

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Hi @elfangio , I tried to set the section to position relative but it’s still the same.

It looks good on the designer but when switching to preview mode or when publishing or exporting, the golden section is overlapping the previous one.

Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?
If I just put the slider in the body, without putting it in a section it looks fine, it seems related to the section element…


I did some testing again, try to put all your sections as relative and then the grid height put AUTO and min size the 500px.

Thanks, setting all the sections to postive:relative made the trick!

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