Hey everyone :)
Absolute Webflow newbie here, please be patient with me
I need your help with making my website “work on Mobile”.
I am working on a website for my company using the Template “Colours” by Lucas Gusso (you’ll find my read-only link below).
I am pretty happy with how the desktop version is turning out, but on mobile, some of the spacings and even element sizes (? sorry if this is the wrong termini) are completely off.
I will provide a not-so-bad (spacing) example and on really-bad example below.
Not-so-bad example (correct spacing on desktop, no spacing on mobile):
Really-bad example (what happened here? ):
Here is my read-only link:
Read-only link: Webflow - Pure Studios
Please, please help me with that.
I really don’t know what to do and it feels like there must be a really simple solution to this.
If I just change the device on the Designer to mobile and then make changes, those would also affect the desktop version, because there is no extra class added, correct?
Any advise is highly appreciated!!
Thank you so much!
Friendly bump.
If anyone can help me out, I deeply appreciate any advice <3
Hello @simonjohannssen,
So the changes you make on mobile will only affect mobile devices. All the styles cascade down, so changes in desktop get applied to all breakpoints, changes on tablet get applied to tablet and mobile, and changes in mobile just affect mobile. In your case you mostly need to adjust paddings or elements heights, it shouldn’t take you too long to modify however you want. I hope this helps!
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OH, that’s amazing, thank you so much!
I didn’t know nor understand the concept of “cascading down”, so I thought that as my changes on desktop affected mobile, that would also happen the other way around.
Thank you
Have a nice weekend!
Hey @Pablo_Cortes
I have to ask for your help on this again…
I just tried to correct the spacing around the footer and can’t get it to work…
I don’t get it - I have a “reference clone” of the template I used that is without ANY editing from my end, just the original template.
You’ll see it on the left side of the screenshot below. On the right side is my site.
ALL the styling settings on ALL elements in the footer element are exactly 100% the same. I don’t get why the spacings are messed up on my version.
Could you please take a look at my read-only and help me by any chance?
Thank you so much!
Hey @simonjohannssen, yes so select your footer component and look for the CTA Wrapper, and change its height to auto
That should make it work. I hope this helps!
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Man, you are my hero
I struggled with this for days, you just told me it was a one click solution.
Thank you so much!
Enjoy your weekend
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