Need Help Filtering Questions Based on Dropdown Selections (Roles & Diseases) with Finsweet CMS Filtering


I’m using Webflow and Finsweet’s CMS attributes to display a list of Questions from a Questions CMS Collection. When a question is clicked, its corresponding Answer is revealed using Finsweet’s cmsfilter functionality. This setup is already working to dynamically show the correct answer when a question is clicked.

Now, I need to add a feature that allows me to filter the displayed questions based on two dropdown options:

  1. Roles (from a CMS Collection of Roles).
  2. Diseases (from a CMS Collection of Diseases).

Current Setup:

Questions Collection: Displays a list of questions.
Answers: The answer to each question is dynamically shown when a question is clicked (already set up with Finsweet’s cmsfilter functionality).
Roles Dropdown: Users select a role from a dropdown populated from the (Roles CMS Collection)
Diseases Dropdown: Users select a disease from a dropdown populated from the (Diseases CMS Collection)

I want to filter the Questions CMS Collection so that only the questions matching the selected Role and Disease are displayed. This filtering should happen dynamically when the user selects an option from either of the dropdowns.

Issues Faced:

Finsweet Filtering Conflicts: Since Finsweet’s cmsfilter functionality is already used to dynamically show the answers, I’m not sure how to integrate the filtering for the questions based on two dropdowns without interfering with the existing setup.

here’s the preview link: knoles-Trial-QnA

Just a perspective on the approach you’ve described;

  • FS CMS Filter cannot filter a filter
  • You don’t need FS CMS Filter to handle your question-answer part, that should just be an interaction, or a dropdown/accordion, or simple JS.

I’d redesign it that way, you’ll have a lot more control and find the build a lot more straightforward.