Navigation bar doesn't show on safari

The navigation bar doesn’t show on safari on the Homepage And the same navigation showing on the Products page. However, both navigation bars showing on chrome.

screenshot from safari browser…

Screenshot from chrome browser…

Here is my site Read-Only:

live website link:

Hi @AbanoubEid :wave: and welcome.

I think I’ve found the issue. Weirdly enough, you can still click the elements, even though they’re not visible, so transforms in Safari can often be the culprit.

Remove the 2D & 3D Transforms that you have set, looks like it was added accidentally maybe? Safari doesn’t know what to do with it in this case as there’s no settings on the parents. (That’s the only explanation I have)

Make the changes, publish and you should be good to go.

CleanShot 2021-09-02 at 10.37.21

Safari after the changes.

Hope that helps.

Hello @magicmark

Thank you for your support, It’s mean a lot, did like you said and removed the transform"It was added accidentally ", Now the navigation bar is working.

Thank You.

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