Nav Bar changes even when it is a symbol


Is your intended effect to load your Page Triggers on your navbar symbol each page load every time you insert the symbol on a new page?

Page Triggers do not automatically carry over on Symbols

You must use element trigger.

If you must simulate Page Load on element trigger, assign page scroll and insert following autoscroll on load code:

var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
scroll = scroll + 1; //pixels to scroll
$(‘html, body’).animate({
scrollTop: scroll
}, 10); //scroll speed in ms


(related thread on autoload scroll: Autoscroll 1 px automatically?)

When applying IX2 to SYMBOLS, you must CLASS target all elements in your IX2 panel to avoid duplicates / to have same IX2 experience everytime you insert your IX2 symbol. Be sure to use proper all, parent, sibling, child assignment to avoid conflicts multiple instances of Class Name, if unsure use only Unique class names for IX2.

If you do not assign all CLASS targets on symbol IX2 yu may get duplicate interactions and/or unpredictable results when pasting the SYMBOL to a new page.



Here is example of header scroll effect from 0% (top) to 100% (footer bottom) that works on all pages with one symbol, same effect can be achieved using Page Load (autoscroll), scroll, tap, or hover triggers. - You can look at how the Class assign structure is laid out for the navbar on this page for ideas.

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