My embedded YouTube video isn’t visible on my local page

I have an embedded YouTube video on my Spanish page and an identical one on my English (local) page. The video shows up fine on the Spanish page, but it’s not visible on the English page, and I’m not sure why.

My read link is: Webflow - Neuraan

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Hi Israel Viñas,

Remove the YouTube class from the element in the Spanish version and change it for example Custom-youtube, then it works. There is some strange conditional logic applied to the YouTube class.


Kind regards,

Adding to Edwin’s notes-

If you hover on the element’s hidden icon you’ll see the tooltip [3] which indicates that the element is hidden by settings-visibility.

This is at [4] but is not shown in the readonly designer view. Check that to see if you have visibility disabled somehow in that locale specifically.

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