Multiple panel display for CMS collection

Hello. I’m looking for a little guidance about the possibilities of having a multi-panel display for a CMS collection with the catch that the user interacts with panel A to get a list on panel B. Panel B would have a list of links to fire off different pop-up forms.

To best illustrate EXACTLY what I want to accomplish I’m trying to create a multi-city event registration site. We have classes in multiple cities with multiple locations in each city. Here is what I want to replicate:

site that does what I would like to achieve: Than Merrill's Online Real Estate Class

more details: Than Merrill's California Real Estate Class and Stocks

I would like to use the CMS for this because we are going to constantly add additional cities and locations throughout the year so just entering that info into the CMS and having it populate the site would be the easiest and most efficient workflow.

Any guidance or example would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Anyone have guidance on how I can recreate a registration page modeled after the example below using the CMS to list my cities and locations:

site that does what I would like to achieve: Than Merrill's Online Real Estate Class

Thanks for any help.