Multifiltering CMS + Google Maps with multiple locations

No stress! Thanks again for sharing your solution with us!

@JPMozis @evekayser
If you find any things to improve let me know!

Here you go, the clonable: google-filter-custom-marker - Webflow

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Cool, I couldn’t load the map here, could you check please?

Eve Kayser

Did you add your API key in the body tag?

I am checking your example, shouldn’t it be working?

I just removed the API key, never knowing if some people gonna abuse the API key and refresh it thousand of times :smiley:

Ah good it. I’ll check here, thanks!

Thanx Léon for sharing your project with us!!!

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The link it not working anymore. Can it brought back online?

The CMS-connected Dynamic Map app might do the trick for you? You can configure your own custom map in Webflow with a filter and location pins in less than 10 minutes. :sparkles: