Multi image thumbnails on a cms collection page to change modals html5 src

right, so i am trying to use the thumbnails listed within a multi image field on a cms COLLECTION PAGE , i add a cms list populate it with thumbnails, and build a modal pop up to display a video html5 embed.

page seen here … Webflow - Jake's Fabulous Site

what i cant figure out is how to get each thumbnail to change the embed source! im sure its possible if you know more !

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That’s not going to work-
The multi-image field contains only images and indirectly, alt tags.

Data-binding wise in native Webflow you’ll only have the image.

If each collection item has 5 videos and you want 5 images, you’ll use 10 fields to represent that, then you can control the output.

Another way is to use a second collection e.g. your Videos collection, and single-ref it to the Video landing page. Then you can store both the video info and the thumbnail in the Videos collection and group them effectively by Video landing page.

thanks for taking the time Micheal wells,
go easy on my Im new to this… Im not sure i entirely follow.

but it sounds like im going about it the wrong way.

perhaps if i explain what i want?

those 3 thumbnails represent an individual video that i want a modal pop up to play. using cms whats the best way to achieve that?

my cms is set up to populate projects with a key main video that plays on my films page that then links through to these project pages containing the multi image thumbnails and then those open up the modal with their own unique video…

happy with all the help i can get im very green!

Delete your multi-image field, Create 3 image fields. That way you have the ability to form your links on each image you place.