Mobile view issues

Imhaving trouble with compressing the slide and other info on my mobile landscape/portrait views. Im using the grid and that works all the way until i get to mobile views. Especially with the slider.

Try setting dimensions on the slider itself or a parent container. Then use background images on slides to take advantage of cover and positioning. Also avoid using 1MB + images in dimensions larger than most screen sizes, especially when adding them to a max width 960 px “container” element.

When looking at mobile devices, the use of a slider might not be desirable if it does not help the user. Sliders are typically poor conversion elements that mostly get in the way of what the user wants, which is information.

//–begin UX rant–//
While the Webflow designer allows you do almost anything you want visually, that does not mean you should. UX design is about helping people get the answers they seek, quickly, without having to stop and think. That leads to conversions. So I usually start with goals. What are the visitors goals?
// end rant //

So would u suggest for the mobile view I leave out a slider? And for the visitors, his goals are to have his clients have easy access to booking appointments for training.

Your page needs to answer the big questions the visitor typically has. WHO you are, WHAT you do, WHY should they choose you (and not leave). Then demonstrate proof with more information repeating. If you don’t establish value quickly, they bounce. Showing a slider with people “doing X” does not answer those questions.

Cut your choices and distractions down for the mobile user. Focus on primary goals. Site owners love sliders. No one else does. Mostly because you are hiding content or making a user wait without establishing why they should. When sliders are used to make a presentation the user expects and is interested in, they can work well.

You can make a section or any element (and its children) visible on different breakpoints. So you could have mobile content and desktop content display to the respective device. Think of your home page as a funnel. You have more room on larger screens versus small, but that does not mean to fill it all up.

This article from the Nielson Norman Group from 2002 is still on point today.

Here are a couple of useful resources for UX.

Just remember that Google is crawling as a mobile device now. So what it sees as a mobile user is what it uses for ranking the page (along with hundreds of other factors. SEO is much less important at the beginning. Just focus on solving the user’s problems.