Mobile view dropdown menu is different for main nav bar and scroll nav bar?


I have two navigation bar, one is fixed and one appears only when scrolling down. My problem is that the drop down menu (mobile view) for the scroll navigation bar is wider than the main navigation bar.

How to adjust this. Please assist.

I have attached the screenshots for better understanding.

Thank you

Here is my public share link:

(how to access public share link)

It’s not, it’s 100% width. It takes up the space it can.

Your issue comes from all your sliding in elements, that make the body wider than you’d like.

Select the first section, add overflow:hidden to it, and the problem will be fixed: elements placed outside won’t affect the width of the body anymore.

Hope this helps to fix and understand the issue. It’s a common Webflow issue to encounter. Apply the same ind fo fix anytime you have an unexpectedly wide body.

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