Mobile version two different headlines


what can i do to optimized the mobile version with headlines that arent going in the next paragraph. I want to do two headlines where one is visible on desktop and one in mobile version so that i can set a “-”.

For example



Thank you

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by two headlines and toggle display

By display setting and breakpoints you can use two headlines.

hide-on-mobile (The Desktop version).
hide-on-desktop (The mobile version).

**use any name you like.
** Break the line by Shift + Enter ==> <br> (Not by Enter == new <p>).
** For CMS you need to add two feilds for Headline (rich-text to break line).

By spans (Useful only for non CMS headlines)

You can divide the word to span and play with the display (block/inline/none):


hide "-" on desktop

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Hey sorry where can i hide the “-” how can i do this