Mobile navbar dropdown error! Video included

Hi webflow gang! Sorry for dramatic title.

I’m delivering a website tomorrow. All is nearly done, but my last hurdle - the nav bar on the mobile responsive version of the site is not functioning correctly. I have attached a screencast of the mobile experience. When I tap the dropdown, it appears and then disappears straight away and loads the main Workshops page. I want the workshop page to link to the workshop when tapped, but also dropdown to the sub categories (like the main site)

Any advice on what to do here? And if it’s too fiddly on mobile - and advice for a quick solution? I tried creating plain links for the sub pages but then it creates these on all as it’s a symbol.

EDIT: the video link: mobile nav bar video

Would be so grateful for help.

Very best,

Here is my site Read-Only:

OK so not as time sensitive any more, as for a quick fixed I’ve made it so that the workshop page cannot be directly linked from tapping the workshop link in nav bar (rather the main page is now a subcategory if that makes sense) - but I’d still love to know how to do it the ‘better’ way.
