Menu buttom & menuitems - wrong alignment

My menu buttom (and menuitems) will not align proportionally when the site is resized in different resolutions.

When I resize my browserwindow (by cmd -) then the menu buttom will not align correctly with page.

Hope for some suggestions to solve this :slight_smile:

  • Jakob

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi. Add screenshot.
You talk about vertically align of the hamburger menu with the logo? (you can solve this by FLEXBOX, or a lot of other tricks).

" not align proportionally" is very general term. Add more details.

Sorry for not being clear - let me add some details:

The menu logo, menu button and menuitems (menu section) moves left when I zoom out, in the browser window. It should always align horizontally with the headtext.

Also a screenshot indicating red for wrong horizontal alignment and green for correct horizontal alignment.

  • Jakob

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