Mega menu on mobile (contact button)

Hi there,

I have a problem with a mega menu. On desktop it looks super nice but on tablet and mobile I cannot see the red “Kontakt (contact)” button.
Any idea why this is happening? How can I solve this?

Preview link: Webflow - DSO-Solutions

Also I cannot work on tablet and mobile version because the mega menu is always open. What can I do here?

I would love to get some help.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

for that “Kontakt button”
option 1:
In the tablet and mobile menu
Items that are members of desktop menu items and links are shown
For example here is your desktop menu class “navmenu__link-list”.
And you should put your links in this box:
to this:

and your problem will be solved:

Option 2:
in tablet size, This class takes up the entire height and does not allow your button wrapper to appear:

so remove that flex child from this:

and also your “navmenu__flex-container”:
change its flex positioning from this:
to this:

and now the
problem is solved:

Thank you so much!!! It worked :-)

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