Low Res Images on Live Site (intrinsic size shrinks)

I’m getting blurry images only on the large hero images that I use on case study pages like this one:

Anywhere else like fairly big thumbnails on the home page, there is no issue with such harsh low res blur. This problem doesn’t show up in Designer at all, but from inspecting the live website, I found that the intrinsic size of the image shrinks to a really small size like 500x200, even though the Webflow library assets are completely different larger sizes.

Additionally, I noticed that on Chrome sometimes if I access this page by clicking the button that links to it, the image will load properly 30% of the time, while in Safari it’s consistently blurry.

Any advice on what can be wrong? I haven’t used custom code for any of the classes unique to this hero image.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Hoang_Lan_Nguyen,

Did you get the issue fixed? I looked but I couldn’t see what you were seeing. Which image are you referring to? You have 13 or so.