Looking for a way to let client upload an image and text (quick and dirty CMS)

Does anyone know of a cool, 3rd party widget that is responsive, that allows you to put an image and text into the widget so that my client can control their events.

Check this out

look at upcoming events
i want my client to be able to replace the banner/flyer AND the date

doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

Check out http://cloudcannon.com

Does anyone else have any suggestions?

Cloudcannon I don’t think will work for me because I want to build my sites using Webflow, not another party

Did you really look a cloud cannon and not just look quickly at the homepage? It allows you to upload any html page, like one built in webflow, and make images and text editable. People here have used it for exported webflow sites. Go watch some of their videos.

Try to look on options that http://cloudinary.com/ gives. If you are friendly with coding you can find the way. There is function for overwrite uploaded images. You will have to add some code to your site, but for your client it will look absolutely easy, just upload a new picture.