Looking for a scroll - to - anchor point solution

Hey Scott,

Your site is looking awesome! Lots of fantastic content. :smile:

This is how anchor links work, and to get the effect you’d like to have, you’ll need to add in a full link like this:

So if I wanted to link to Lucky (little animate dog), on this page here: www.silverdollarcity.com/firemanslanding, I would have to add an ID to the section that the content is in and have this as the anchor link: http://www.silverdollarcity.com/firemanslanding#lucky

In this case, the page name is after the url, and the anchor link is called out by putting a “#” sign and the ID at the end of the URL which in this case the ID is “lucky” :).

Please let me know if this answers your question or if you need any more information on creating anchor links to external pages. :smile: Be sure to update them when you publish a site as well. :smile:

I also found a way to hide the anchor links from the address bar with js, learn more about that here: Smooth Scroll Without Anchor Link Displaying In Address Bar - Webflow Tips - Forum | Webflow

