Loading Issues entire Website

Hello Community,
i have a critical Problem on my Site. The first thing I noticed was that my Site has the flash issue were my Herostage Animation were displayed in the beginning when the page is loading. Also the Fallback Font were displayed shorly. I could fix this by implementing a short Loadingscreen with a transition.

Now the main problem is, that sometimes my site is nothing displaying at all(sometimes it works, sometimes not). But only when nothing is safed in the browser cache. So when I test the site on inkognito mode the site displays just the with loadingscreen and nothing happens besides the loadingspinner in my chrome browser or somethimes my cookiebanner.

Im not quite sure how long this issue exists since i usually dont test my site that much in inkognito. Im thinking about that my site has two much animations or videoasstes (the site is quite big). Hopefully someone can reproduce the issue an can help me.
