I would really appreciate some help. I have a new business, and I’m afraid my web designer is offline with illness.
I’m not technical at all, but I can follow precise instructions.
I want to change the font on my website, and make a page inactive.
I’ve seen advice about downloading fonts from Google, but I’m not sure how to then apply them.
The second, important, thing is I need to make one area inactive and add a new ‘page’.
This is my site: Webflow - CaringStay
When you scroll to “CaringStay Homes”, currently you can click on those photos. It’s not populated enough yet, it’s early in our active days. I want the square photos to be visible but not that you can open them.
Any advice or help you can give would be fantastic for me.
Most of what you’re asking for is straightforward however it would take much less time to simply make those changes as an invited freelancer/agency than to explain them.
Let me know and if you’re interested I’ll send you my details and how to invite me to put those changes through for you.
For fonts- it depends on how you want the font to work. In general for Google fonts you’ll either simply add it as an online font ( fine for an NZ audience ), or download and upload it as a custom font. Then you need to go through your site and re-map your classes depending on exactly what you’re wanting that new font to appear.
Suppressing an area, you can use the Visibility: hidden setting on the settings panel, and when you publish that section will not be published with the site.
New pages- in general very straight forward, it depends on what you want added.
Your homepage link, you can fix easily, select the link [1], change the link setting to URL [2] and leave the URL setting blank [3]. Republish and test, clicking should no longer navigate.
Thank you Michael ! Yes, I’d like to connect with you. Please let me know how to do this - much obliged.
The fonts aren’t essential, yet, but the blocking of the regions is.
I’ll wait to hear from you.
Best wishes, Lizzie
Change Fonts: Go to the Project Settings > Fonts and either choose a Google Font or upload your own. Apply the font to your text elements in the Designer.
Make a Page Inactive: Either unpublish the page or remove links to it from the site.
Make Photos Unclickable: Either remove the link or add a transparent div to block clicks temporarily.