Loading a JSON feed to Webflow?

Can anyone advise how best to load a JSON feed to a blank Webflow page? I’ve been handed a link to a JSON feed and I need to test how can it be loaded through a Webflow based website.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Cormac,

What are you trying to do with the JSON feed?

JSON = JavaScript Object Notation. Typically you probably want the data from the feed, so your JavaScript script would fetch it, then utilize that data somehow.

I’ve been handed a JSON link to a 3rd party service. So I guess I just use embed code and javascript to fetch it?

Again, depends on what you want to do with it.

But generally fetching it is the first step.
That will get you the data as long as the feed endpoint is CORS-accessible.