Links to my CMS collection stopped working

Hello, I’m very new to this and trying to navigate my way around so please bare with me. I’ve used a template with an established CMS library for Works. It was working fine until I published and started to make SEO changes to the pages (not sure if that’s relevant). Now all the Work page links are broken and not linking or displaying properly.

The CMS library works from the homepage but not the Works page. Did I do something that broke the connection between the collections?

Here’s the homepage CMS library (the one that works and links out properly):

Here is my Works page (where the problem appears): (Selected design projects by Abnorm Studio)

Hi Anna, you’ll need to share your readonly designer link.

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Thank you, here it is: Webflow - Abnorm Studio

I’m guessing

I am not sure what setup you’re trying to create, so I’ll lean towards the most common setup here. Most likely you’re wanting each Work item to link to its individual Work collection page.

You can see that on the Works main page, you have a link [1] which is not connected to anything [2], but it’s also outside of the collection list and therefore cannot be connected to collection list data.

If you look at your homepage, it’s similar, but the link is inside of the collection list [1]. However it’s still not linking to anything [2].

What you probably want for that link setting is this-

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Thank you SO MUCH! It’s such a simple solution but I was getting lost in the elements. I’ve just amended it and it WORKS! Thank you thank you thank you!

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