Links in Topbar not working? i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Email Login

Hello Guys & Girls,

Can someone point out what I am doing wrong regarding some buttons & links that are at the top of this webpage inside the topbar?



I don’t see facebook, twitter or email. Where are they located? And I tested the link for news but it doesn’t work.

Hello sstraub, thanks for taking a look, yes the news link is for a site hosted on tumblr which should now work as it takes a few hours to propagate.

I have solved the issue with the other links, they cannot be placed inside a symbol after its been created, that’s what I think, you have to create them outside then reposition them.

Thanks again


@SteveRetro You do have the classed defined, but there are not buttons anywhere on the page. I checked all your sections & containers. Maybe you’ve accidentally deleted them?