Links from Dynamic List Aren't clickable in Firefox

Hey there,

This is an issue regarding Dynamic Lists.

I got a Link field in a Collection.

When I test the published version, the links in Chrome and Safari works fine.
But the links in Firefox aren’t clickable.

Any idea on what could cause this?


It’s not a bug unless we can reproduce it. Please provide detailed information including screenshots, video recordings, public share link of your project, and published URL.

Here’s my Collection in the Designer Tool

Here’s my link in the Collection Page

I think it has something to do with the interaction or flex setting on the parent element cta service-block. I can’t test this theory as I can’t publish your site. Try and remove either and publish, then do the same for the other if it doesn’t help.

Also, global class service-block is used three times on different elements here. This is bad practice.


I “unflexed” it and that did the trick.

Thanks a lot for the insight. I really appreciate it.


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