I’m hoping one of you good good people may have an answer to a dropdown query.
In the link attached, there’s a page called ‘Blue Plaques’. In it there are about sixty dropdowns with information inside each one. The client is looking to create links to specific dropdowns (one of the blue plaques), to individual blue plaques in this list…
So the ideal would be that there is a link to that page and it opens up the specified blue plaque dropdown.
I was hoping creating an ID for the either the column of div in question that is would link to the page with the specified blue plaque dropwdown, but it’s no working for me.
Would anyone know what would be the best way to go about this, linking to that page and the specified dropdown in an open state?
One thing you could do is wrap each text block in a Link Block and then link it to a specific page instead of trying to wrap the entire column.
You can also create an animated accordion to recreate the dropdown effect. You can copy and paste a simple FAQ accordion from the Relume library. Then you could put all 60 of these in a CMS and that way you could do all of the work a lot quicker.
I appreciate the response. What I’m trying to do is link in from external sites to this page to specific dropdowns, so that they open and are at the top of the page. I hope that makes sense, and thank you!
Understood, what you mentioned in the initial response is something you could do. However I’d wrap each dropdown in a div block, perhaps tag it as a section and then give it an ID.
Then your URL would look something like: water-food-civic/blue-plaques#dropdown-1
Please give this a shot and let me know if it works.
If each dropdown has a unique ID, then you can write JS to detect e.g. #mailpacket-steamers on the URL, scroll to that position and then expand the dropdown, which is done with a pair of mouse down and mouse up events.
I’d probably rebuild this whole list using the CMS and a collection list, it will just make that ID management easier ( CMS slug ), and the management of of items.