LinkedIn Preview Image Incorrect

Good evening! I went in today and updated the Open Graph image and content because a friend of mine wanted to share my site on LinkedIn. It seems to be pulling the image and some content from 3/4 of the way down the home page though, near the testimonials. Is this just a matter of waiting for LinkedIn to scrape their images, or have I done something wrong.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

See the bottom here for the LinkedIn post inspector;

Thanks so much. It looks updated now, so maybe it was a timing issue. I’ll check with my friend in the morning to see if it posts correctly when he shares it.

Ya, it’s a great answer to satisfy the problem related to the Linkdin preview image. I apply this method to my profile and now it is fine. Thanks for this helpful information.

Yes, problem resolved. Thanks so much again for your help!

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