Link to already filtered CMS Collection (using visual script writer)

I have a problem with link leading to already filtered collection. I wrote to FinSweet Support and received an answer, however it still does not work and I know that they have a lot of questions, so I thought that maybe some of you had similar problem and know how to solve it.

I added both codes: one to the page with link and second to the collection that is supposed to be filtered. Unfortunately it does not work properly and in my url pops-up something like an error? The url of the page is followed by the filter that should be applied but is not. (?filter0=EwaKotula)

The link is in the page “Projektantki” > “Ewa Kotula” and it should lead to “Archiwum” with this filter applied showcasing only her works. I would really appreciate your help, I am struggling with this for weeks and I do not know where the problem is.

This is the link for ad-on by Finsweet

Here is my public share link: [LINK]
(how to access public share link)