Link + Phone Number – Form Submission

Here’s why it’s not working, and what you need to do-

Hey! That’s extremely helpful! I just ran into one small issue:

<a class="WhatsappLinkBlock" href="{{wf {&quot;path&quot;:&quot;property-agent:agent-phone&quot;,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;Phone&quot;\} }}">

<div class="card-whatsapp-div">
<img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-2">
<div class="text-block-6">Contactar</div>


IT WORKS! But I lost the styling.

You could put the DIVs outside of the As, however then only the middle of your button will be clickable. This is why I said storing the full link in the CMS is best, you can just bind it directly to a BUTTON or LINK element.

The only thing is that I need to add the link before every number. Is there a way that users can input their number but it stores as a separate link field as well as they submit the form?

Submit what form?

It sounds like you have some kind of realtor onboarding process, where realtors fill in a Webflow form to add themselves to the CMS? In Webflow, form posts do not go directly into the CMS, so you’ll always have something in-between to create those Form → CMS records… Zapier, Make, Logic, etc.

In that automation logic you can definitely clean the phone # and prefix it with, and then store that into a separate Whatsapp URL field in your CMS. That’s what you’ll bind to your button link.

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Hey, I actually went with @choreus’s custom button. So that solved it!! Quick question, is there a way to open the link in a separate tab from that HTML embed?



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Quick question, is there a way to open the link in a separate tab from that HTML embed?

You can add target="_blank" to open a link in a new tab.

<a class="button" target="_blank" href="">Contactar

Read more about the target attribute below:

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I tried the code and it won’t work. Does this only work for a Button or how can I make it work on a link block?