Link Expiration

Hey everyone!

I’m trying to help a friend of mine who is restructuring her business as a yoga teacher to online classes, and we’re looking for an e-commerce solution for online classes that provides users with a link that expires 24 hours after purchase.

Does anyone have any insight on how I can accomplish this? Or something similar?

With the current digital product setup, she would be selling one class that’s available forever, but as a teacher that’s tough to put a value on. Any insight is greatly appreciated!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Try have a look at the Stripe Checkout client-side integration. I wouldn’t go for a fully fledged Webflow ecommerce solution if you wish your link to be accessible for only 24hours.


I think I have almost the exact same project as you with my client. She has scheduled live classes and wants to have “join class” links expire after the date. To my knowledge, things can only hide/show by date after 24 hrs, as opposed to a shorter duration.

So achieve this in my site, I have two buttons:

  1. JOIN CLASS (shows the button only on the day of the class, and hides for past classes)
    With conditional visibility:
  • date and time is before or equal to 0 days
  • date and time is after or equal to 1 day in the past
  1. COMING SOON (shows the button for future classes and is not clickable)
  • date and time is after or equal to 1 day in the future.

This is what you can do as far as the site UI is concerned. Otherwise, your client would have to change the link permissions from whatever platform generates the link (if it’s an available option). My client for instance uses vimeo to host videos, and I’m not sure if that allows expiration dates.

Hope this helps!