Lightbox overlay alignment off centre?

Hey first time user of webflow this is my third site and loving it! One question if someone can please help…i Just can’t seem to figure it out.

My lightbox images are 1000x600 or 600x1000 and they seem to be off center. i am trying to create a filtered gallery with CMS and I think i’ve got most of it figured out. This is driving me insane!
here is my public link:

i should clarify its under the gallery page.

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi! Do you have any custom code in your project that may be overwriting the lightbox styles set by Webflow? I’m not sure why this is happening.

@parker Nope haven’t added any at all. i thought maybe it was due to image size so I tried again after resizing all of them. A real head scratcher!

I think we found it! The position is set to absolute for “All Images”. To fix it, add an image element anywhere in your project. With the style panel open for the image, click on the class selector and choose “All Images”. Set the position to static, and you should be good!

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@parker - it worked! Oh man thanks so much it totally makes sense now!

I’m loving this community i came from Muse/Wordpress! Changing all my clients to Webflow

Really excited to see what changes are coming in the future.

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I’m 100% with you there! I barely started freelancing in Muse/Wordpress (Elementor, Divi, Oxygen) before falling in love with Webflow. The community is top-notch! If there’s anything else I could help with, let me know!

@parker I haven’t seen a community this active since DIVI…very refreshing not to have to deal with WP.

will do!